Useful Forms

Match observer forms are automatically presented post game on WTR. If there is a problem this link is to the up to date form

Click on the links below to download these forms/documents or to visit a specific website

Red Card Form

The new season is upon us and I’d like to remind you of the process to be followed should you issue a red card or be subject to Match Official abuse or disrespect.
1. Following an incident involving a red card, abandonment or match official abuse/disrespect you must contact Stewart Goodwin or Iain Mitchell as a matter of urgency
2. Once you have had a conversation you will need to complete the relevant form and send it to Stewart or Iain who will check the form for you and send it onwards
3. All discipline forms must be with the county disciplinary secretary by 9am Monday for a weekend game and the next morning for a midweek game. Please make sufficient time for this to happen.
Contact details are:
Stewart Goodwin 07805
Iain Mitchell 07885
Red Card Forms for this season are attached. You will see there is a seperate form for Age Grade. Other forms will be provided as required and we will also put them on the website under useful forms. We will also post on the website a MOA gudance document issued by the RFU. The health warning is that it is 14 pages long but it contains some useful practical guidance. Please remember that not everything is abuse, which is why you must discuss this first. You must also read this alongside the information we have already given you about the Referee Experience Form, which you must complete after every game and will allow a picture of low level poor behaviour to be recorded.
Discipline Form writing Guide

Red Card Report Form

Age Grade Red Card Report Form

Who’s The Ref (WTR) Information